Equestrian statue of Louis XIV

The inscription (which I only now read past the first line) says:


d’après G.L. BERNINI
dit LE BERNINI 1598–1680

fonte en plomb de 1988

So wait, this is only inspired by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, the grandmaster sculptor who worked for Louis XIV on a number of occasions? It’s not authentically his?

A bit of googling reveals that Bernini did design and partially execute a statue for Louis XIV for the palace of Versailles, but the king hated it, and it was modified a few times. That statue still exists, but is fragile and stored inside the museum. This is a lead copy, one of several apparently.

Neat! It’s interesting how works of art don’t appear out of the ether, there’s always a history and context to them (and unhappy clients, sometimes).

   11 May 2022
   1/640s    f/7.1   75mm   ISO 125
Equestrian statue of Louis XIV